文章歸檔 目前共有 80 篇文章~ 2022 Arduino超音波感測音箱 11-22 我的北捷少女 10-09 計程三口試-掃地機器人 05-07 計程三大會考練習題 04-17 繼承練習0328 03-28 繼承練習0322 03-22 繼承練習0321 03-21 貪食蛇-遊戲主體 03-06 貪食蛇-遊戲物件 03-05 貪食蛇-移動 03-05 貪食蛇-前言 03-05 e537: 00455 - Periodic Strings 02-20 c114: 00409 - Excuses, Excuses! 02-19 e543: 00401 - Palindromes 02-18 c032: 00382 - Perfection 02-17 c108: 00305 - Joseph 02-16 c031: 00264 - Count on Cantor 02-15 d182: 00256 - Quirksome Squares 02-14 d089: 00145 - Gondwanaland Telecom 02-13 UVA-11005: Cheapest Base 02-12 UVA-10642: Can You Solve It? 02-12 UVA-10221: Satellites 02-11 UVA-10093: An Easy Problem! 02-09 d129: 00136 - Ugly Numbers 02-09 d206: 00108 - Maximum Sum 02-08 C++ STL: Set 02-07 C++ STL: Map 02-07 C++ STL: Queue 02-07 C++ STL: Stack 02-07 d424: 00105 - The Skyline Problem 02-06 f709: 12019 - Doom's Day Algorithm 02-05 d186: 11461 - Square Numbers 02-05 d255: 11417 - GCD 02-05 e513: 11349 - Symmetric Matrix 02-05 c813: 11332 - Summing Digits 02-05 d750: 11321 - Sort! Sort!! and Sort!!! 02-05 d189: 11150 - Cola 02-05 f444: 10268 - 498-bis 02-04 e606: 10057 - A mid-summer nights dream 02-04 e605: 10189 - Minesweeper 02-04 e579: 10050 - Hartals 02-04 e578: 10222 - Decode the Mad man 02-04 e575: 10908 - Largest Squares 02-04 e566: 10190 - Divide, But Not Quite Conquer! 02-03 e561: 00299 - Train Swapping 02-03 e555: 10170 - The Hotel with Infinite Rooms 02-03 e545: 10019 - Funny Encryption Method 02-03 e531: 10415 - Eb Alto Saxophone Player 02-02 e516: 10409 - Die Game 02-02 e512: 10242 - Fourth Point!! 02-02 e510: 10056 - What is the Probability? 02-02 e507: 10252 - Common Permutation 02-02 d672: 10922 - 2 the 9s 02-02 d492: 10226 - Hardwood species 02-02 d387: 10235 - Simply Emirp 02-01 d306: 10193 - All You Need Is Love 02-01 留言板 02-01 d235: 10929 - You can say 11 02-01 d226: 10071 - Back to High School Physics 02-01 d123: 11063 - B2-Sequence 02-01 d097: 10038 - Jolly Jumpers 02-01 c082: 00118 - Mutant Flatworld Expolrers 02-01 c045: 00490 - Rotating Sentences 02-01 c044: 10008 - What's Cryptanalysis 02-01 c039: 00100 - The 3n + 1 problem 02-01 c022: 10783 - Odd Sum 02-01 c014: 10035 - Primary Arithmetic 02-01 c012: 10062 - Tell me the frequencies! 02-01 c007: 00272 - TeX Quotes 01-31 c004: 10812 - Beat the Spread! 01-31 a743: 10420 - List of Conquests 01-31 a741: 10101 - Bangla Numbers 01-31 a737: 10041 - Vito's family 01-31 a134: 00948 - Fibonaccimal Base 01-31 a132: 10931 - Parity 01-31 a012: 10055 - Hashmat the Brave Warrior 01-31 a002: 簡易加法 01-31 a001: 哈囉 01-31 starburst 01-30 Hello world 01-29